
The IRS is serious business.

As everyone knows from Peyton’s numerous announcements, Peyton has a tendency to rely on the law of the land to protect herself against all sorts of threats.

Most recently, she has threatened to report Silent, the former founder of WoWscape, to the IRS for tax evasion on the brief time he handled the PayPal funds.

Curious, I decided to investigate if WoWscape was paying it’s taxes. All corporations in the United States have their tax filings public. Since we know that Alyson Reeves, the now owner, and purported owner and CEO of the WoWscape corporation, lives in Texas, we decided to check the government records there.

We found this website: http://ecpa.cpa.state.tx.us/coa/Index.html. And then the fun began, we began by searching for WoWscape, Reeves, Rohrs, Alyson, and all sorts of combinations, but we couldn’t find anything!

But, in about 5 seconds, we managed to find a reputable company, SoftLayer, so clearly the site is working!

So there you have it. How about we report Alyson Reeves to the IRS instead, eh?

3 Responses to “The IRS is serious business.”

  1. 1 Raiden
    July 15, 2008 at 7:00 am

    Since WoWscape is set up as a profitable business (and not a non-profit organization), donations should also be taxed: seeing as how the donations are obviously the only source of revenue/income in the “profitable” organization, they are obviously purchased items and not donations. As such, these items should be taxed (that is if you support the IRS taxing internet transactions).

  2. 2 exwowscapedonor
    July 15, 2008 at 7:52 am

    do it! that bitch is out of control

  3. 3 Sunglomer
    December 18, 2008 at 5:56 pm

    I know this is a long time ago .. but I had to laugh. That site is for the State of Texas, and only public (i.e. ones that are publicly traded via stock, etc), so not finding her there means nothing. She could have registered the business in another state entirely.

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July 2008
